


April 16th was the opening of the big exhibition ART OVERCOMES BOUNDARIES with artists from Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein which closed on May, 14th.

In 2022, it has been 25 years that the districts of Nordfriesland and Schleswig-Flensburg/ Angeln and the city of Flensburg signed the first cooperation agreement with the Sønderjylland administration. The constituent meeting for the Sønderjylland-Schleswig region took place in September 1997.

An agreement was signed in which the members committed themselves to implement joint activities that promote development in the region and at the same time closer contacts between the population, the economic activities and the associations on both sides of the border, as well as to intensify “cooperation across the border”.

After its foundation in 2022, the association KUNST FÜR ANGELN e.V., therefore, has committed itself to supporting and strengthening the ties and friendships with Denmark through art cooperations and art exhibitions. With artists and musicians from Denmark and Germany through exhibitions, workshops, social projects and music festivals at the Wittkielhof in the Schlei region/ Schleswig-Holstein. This includes programs for children, students and senior citizens from the Schleswig-Flensburg region.
This includes programs for children, students and senior citizens from the Schleswig-Flensburg region.
It started in October 2022 with an initiative of the association KUNST FÜR ANGELN e.V. – with students of the Bernstorff-Gymnasium Satrup in Angeln and seniors from South Jutland. Together, the pilot project “ART OVERCOMES BOUNDARIES” was launched, which continued and expanded in April 2023.
Works by artists from Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein, all of which are represented in the Roosen-Trinks Collection, were shown at the Wittkielhof by the association KUNST FÜR ANGELN.
From April 2023, senior citizens and students from Angeln experienced the exhibition together, got to know artists personally and exchanged ideas on the art experience on site.

Over 1000 art enthusiasts have visited the exhibition!

The pilot project started in early October 2022 in Sønderborg with a trip to a German/Danish art exhibition at the Sønderborg Art School under the direction of the artist Thomas Lunau and ended at the end of October with a visit to the Roosen-Trinks Collection at the WITTKIELHOF in Angeln, where an exclusive preview was presented with works of art by artists from Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein.

This exhibition was a preview of what has been shown at the WITTKIELHOF in from April till May 2023.

In total, about 100 works of have been exhibited – from painting to photography, collages to sculptures by a total of 30 artists.

Some of the exhibited works dealt with the topics that fundamentally determine our current everyday life such as environmental awareness, sustainability, resilience.

Art demands and feeds on creativity.

During ART OVERCOMES BOUNDARIES 2023, artists showed with their art ways to overcome the limits of our thinking. Because they go new ways, free from existing thought structures and patterns and enable us to think anew. Using environmentally friendly, recyclable materials and future-oriented content.

If you ask artists whether our planet can be saved, most say YES.

Joseph Beuys already said: “Only art can change life”

16.4.2023 – 14.5.2023
Press release german – PDF

April 16, 2023 to May 14, 2023
Press release english – PDF

Video of the opening 16th April 2023.
A Film by Leonard Diaz, Kira Eggert, Ibrahim Khodor and Jennifer S. Petersen.


Frederik Albrecht (DK)

Henrik Becker

Maria Berking

Thore Bernstein (D)

Rasmus Bjørn (DK)

Stephen Craig (D)

Tobias Duwe (D)

Klaus Fußmann (D)

Elmar Jacob (D)

Stine Marie Jacobsen (DK)

Jesper Kristiansen (DK)

Anne Lass (DK)

Tine Bay Lürssen (DK)

Thomas Lunau (DK)

Sofie Bird Møller (Denmark)

Jes Mogensen (DK)

Camillo Ritter

Christian Schmidt- Rasmussen (DK)

Sonja Schmidt (D)

Frank Suplie

Dan Thuesen (DK)

Malte Urbschat