Photography Art – Icons of Photographic Art
From 13th October to 10th November 2024 masterpieces by Photgraphy artists were on display at the latest event presented by Kunst für Angeln
What is a good picture? – A good picture touches you, it gets under your skin, it sticks to your memory. There are pictures that almost everyone knows. No matter whether you have already dealt with photography and its history or not – some images are in the visual memory of the 21st Century, firmly anchored as contemporary documents.

APRIL 7th– MAY 5th 2024
People of all generations were encouraged to explore their creativity in relation to the digital world and social media and to conduct dialogue in a cross-border and cross-generational context.

September 17th – October 15th, 2023

Ingrid Roosen-Trinks: „For about 50 years I have been living with art in everyday life and can say that it enriches me enormously and broadens my horizons. That’s exactly what I need not to lose my optimism.”
April 16th – May 14th, 2023

On 14 May 2023, the large exhibition ART OVERCOMES BOUNDARIES with artists from Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein ended.
After its foundation in 2022, the association KUNST FÜR ANGELN e.V., has committed itself to supporting and strengthening the connections and friendships with Denmark through art cooperations and art exhibitions. With artists and musicians from Denmark and Germany through exhibitions, workshops, social projects and music festivals at the Wittkielhof in the Schlei region/ Schleswig-Holstein.
October 9, 2022 to November 30, 2022

The second exhibition of the association “Kunst für Angeln e.V.” together with the collection Roosen-Trinks, ran from 9.10.2022 to 30.11.2022, and dealt with the reference systems of city and country. Topics such as “art and artificiality”, “deceleration and deceleration, “digitality and sustainability” were dealt with by the participating artists.
The group exhibition took a multi-perspective look at the exhibition theme and showed very different works, so that a multifaceted overall picture has emerged.
The interest of the public and the media was great, another indication that a cultural institution like KUNST FÜR ANGELN was long wanted in the region. The participation in the (almost) daily art tours was accordingly lively.
October 9, 2022 to November 30, 2022
Press release english – PDF
Slim Aarons
Ansel Adams
Brian Alfred
Eduard Bagheer
Henrik Becker
Maria Berking
Thorsten Brinkmann
Viktoria Binschtok
Julius von Bismarck
Michael Conrads
Stephen Craig
Walker Evans
Klaus Fußmann
T.M. Glass
Ramiro Gomez
Greg Gorman
Beate Gütschow
Roswitha Hecke
Mat Hennek
Thomas Herbst
Jane Hilton
Carsten Höller
Nicole Hollmann
Dennis Hopper
Alexandra Kürtz
Lazló Maholy-Nagy
Rupprecht Matthies
Sofie Bird Møller
Andreas Mühe
Maria und Natalia Petschatnikov
Tom Sachs
Max Scheler
Andreas Slominski
Frank Suplie
Christopher Thomas
Malte Urbschat
Robert Voit
Athena Vida (formerly known as Gitte Schäfer)
Carol Wates
Donata Wenders
Cerith Wyn Evans
Loans by:
Verena Issel
Camillo Ritter
Michael Conrads
Slim Aarons (USA)
Ansel Adams(USA)
Brian Alfred (USA)
Stephen Craig (Irland and Germany)
Walker Evans (USA)
T.M. Glass (Canada)
Ramiro Gomez (USA and Mexico)
Greg Gorman (USA)
Mat Hennek (USA and Germany )
Jane Hilton (UK)
Dennis Hopper (USA)
Lazló Maholy-Nagy (Austria/Hungary)
Sofie Bird Møller (Denmark)
Maria und Natalia Petschatnikov (Russia)
Tom Sachs (USA)
Carol Wates (UK)( IPad Paintings)
Cerith Wyn Evans (UK)
APRIL 4, 2022 TILL MAY 30, 2022

»The subject of the first exhibition is as topical as it is timeless: Masks and People. A great dream comes true for the region and for Ingrid Roosen-Trinks. A dream that lives out the vitality of art and human encounter. Because Ingrid Roosen-Trinks wants to inspire and move people: her exhibitions and art events are becoming the region’s new cultural meeting place – what a gain for Schleswig-Holstein!«
Portraits often have a clear function; they should represent the personality of the person portrayed. Even if the reproduction of reality is not always in the foreground in this regard, it is not infrequently a question of approaching closer to the person depicted, in order to learn something about them. In the classic case, the face plays a central role in this respect.
In its composition, the painting entitled Businessman (2013) by Lennart Grau is reminiscent of Dutch portrait painting of the seventeenth century, but denies a view into the face of the man portrayed. It is a characteristic style of painting for Grau – impasto application of paint and the intermingling of the artist’s media – creating almost marbled surfaces and thus concealing any individual traits of the sitter. The businessman remains undefined and his identity a mystery.
In photography, Thorsten Brinckmann’s Telmche (2021) displays a traditional portrait that evokes associations with well-known representations from art history. Brinkmann toys with the unknowability of his subject matter: the depicted person looks as if he/she is turning away from the viewer, while a bright yellow handbag seems to become his/her head and equally to disguise it. The photography conveys irony and lightness despite the picture’s strict composition.
In contrast, the figure in Green Coat (2016), a watercolour by Maria Thurn and Taxis, appears rigid and frozen in the moment, and bears a gigantic mask instead of its head. Alienation and concealment are also the dominant elements in the series of works entitled Waywards by Thurn and Taxis. The similarities are obvious in these three works from the ROOSEN-TRINKS COLLECTION; three figurative representations and three enigmatic portraits, but different in their medium and storytelling. Nonetheless, they cast a spell and raise innumerable questions.
Confrontation with the unknown and even with our neighbours has changed, especially during the ongoing corona pandemic, when we mask our faces daily. What is meant by the inability to look someone in the face? What hides behind the mask?

Curators of the first exhibition have been Corinna Koch and Isa Maschewski from we, curatorial.
About a hundred artworks have been displayed, everything from works on paper, such as photos and collages, to paintings, sculptures and video works. The entire farm area has been transformed into a presentation arena, and not only one of the barns but also rooms in the manor house and the surrounding park had become a performance stage. The first exhibition in the new surroundings celebrated not just the collection’s further development at its new location and the expansion of the cultural offering in a rural region, but also a re-enlivenment of the artistic scene after a dismal 2021. In addition to exhibition projects, Roosen-Trinks and the team from KUNST für ANGELN e.V. have planned a diverse framework and outreach program designed to appeal to all generations, e.g. guided tours for senior citizens together with school classes, as well as children’s workshops with some of the collection’s artists.
Eva und Adele
Nina Backman
Stephan Balkenhol
Heike Kati Barath
Tjorg Douglas Beer
Brian Bress
Thorsten Brinkmann
Margarita Broich
Antje Bromma
Marcel Buehler
Justin Cooper
Charles Fréger
Thomas Glassford
Lennart Grau
Beate Gütschow
Roswitha Hecke
Matt Merkel Hess
Stefan Hirsig
Nicole Hollmann
Katrin Kampmann
Daniel Lergon
Oliver Mark
Bjørn Melhus
Jonathan Monk
Daniel Mohr
Sofie Bird Møller
Andreas Mühe
Richard Phillips
Lisl Ponger
Christian Schmidt- Rasmussen
Frank Roeseler
Gideon Rubin
Gitte Schäfer
Wiebke Siem
Maria Thurn und Taxis
Malte Urbschat
Sahar Zukerman