

The association KUNST FÜR ANGELN celebrated the 50th anniversary of the ROOSEN-TRINKS Collection with over 100 works of contemporary art with an extensive autumn exhibition.

From September 17th to October 15th, 2023 the collector Ingrid Roosen-Trinks once again invited to discover works from her collection at the Wittkielhof. For over 30 years, she has called the region Angeln, in the north of Schleswig-Holstein, her second home. In the spring of 2022, she founded the association KUNST FÜR ANGELN, not only to make her collection accessible to the public, but also to offer art education with various program items for young and old in the middle of the countryside, far from the urban hustle and bustle. Personal, uncomplicated, free of charge and in a beautiful, rural courtyard ambience, the association offers to the people from the region as well as curious art enthusiasts an exclusive art experience.

„For about 50 years I have been living with art in everyday life and can say that it enriches me enormously and broadens my horizons. That’s exactly what I need not to lose my optimism. The passion for art and the personal contact with the artists is what I would like to share with others. And when I can put a smile on people’s faces with works of art from my collection, it makes me happy.”
Ingrid Roosen-Trinks 

Video from the Open House Event on October 15th, 2023

The artist Thorsten Brinkmann curated the anniversary exhibition, which should have given an insight and a look back at half a century of collecting passion.

Brinkmann is known for his staged, anonymized self-portraits in which he uses found objects such as vases, bowls and cans as well as costumes to cover his head and slip into different characters. For the exhibition, the Hamburg-based artist was surprised by the diversity of the collection.

In response to the invitation to curate an anniversary exhibition for the collector, he explained his approach as follows:

„In the Roosen-Trinks collection, I let myself be surprised by the works and search for new contexts among them. Very early works of the collection will be shown, but also completely new ones. So that a broad spectrum of the collection becomes visible, but also a history of the collection’s evolution becomes transparent. New undiscovered stories are to emerge.”

Thorsten Brinkmann 




Frederik Albrecht
Brian Alfred
Stefan Balkenhol
Henrik Becker
Tjorg Douglas Beer
Julius von Bismarck
Gunnar Bundgaard
Stephen Craig
Bjørn Dahlem
Jakob Dahlgren
Henrik Eiben
Eva und Adele
Cerith Wyn Evans
Berta Fischer
Max Friesinger
Thomas Glassford
Greg Gorman
Lennart Grau
W. Grimes
Beate Gütschow
Thomas Herbst
Jane Hilton
Stefan Hirsig

Nicole Hollmann
Dennis Hopper
Atsushi Kaga
Dieter Kressel
Jesper Kristiansen
Alexandra Kurtz
Tine Bay Lührssen
Thomas Lunau
Jonathan Meese
Bjørn Melhus
Matt Merkel Hess
Gerold Miller
Sofie Bird Møller
Takashi Murakami
Andreas Mühe
Yoshimoto Nara
Pablo Picasso
Maria und Natalia Petschatnikov
Peter Pewas
Elizabeth Peyton
Daniel Pflumm
Daniel Richter
Gerwald Rockenschaub
Ingrid Roosen-Trinks

Frank Roeseler
Thomas Ruff
Tom Sachs
Maike Sander
Gitte Schäfer
Max Scheler
Markus Sixay
Andreas Slominski
Berndnaut Smilde
Lucy Sparrow
Maria Thurn und Taxis
Gregor Toerzs
Malte Urbschat
Jorinde Voigt

Salon Privé:

Thore Bernstein
Rasmus Bjørn
Thorsten Brinkmann
Thomas Herbst
Katrin Kampmann
Oliver Mark
Rupprecht Matthies u.a.